Thursday, February 4, 2010

Living Juicy: Energizing

Reflection on last week: (Completing)

I was definitely very productive last week – which seems to have contributed to my feeling better.  Yep, maybe it’s just the minuscule amount of Lexapro in my system, but I feel loads better.  I’m still a little weirded out by life in general, but I’m thinking I need to absorb that as part of my personality.  Why SHOULD I be completely comfortable?  The world is bizarre and incongruous at every turn.  Completion is part of the small steps I take to restore a semblance of sanity.  Completion makes me feel useful and talented.

This Week: Energizing

How apropos – I’m already feeling more energy lately.  I’m also ravenously hungry, which is usually a part of my oversleep/over-eat cycle of depression.  But not this time, I guess.  I’m consuming calories, ideas, everything in my path.  Living life, one could say.  Of course, I’m kind of just “revving” – I don’t know how much traction I’m getting.  Reality is still on the other side of a window – or rather, I’m leaning up against a window and reality is on both sides but I’m preoccupied with the glass.  At any rate, back to the topic… (I guess my mind is racing a bit these days)

I think I’ve been unwrapping myself lately – revisiting little passions.  We’ve been learning Processing in class, and I’m glad to get back to some programming.  I’d love to be a “VJ” and write my own visualizations programs for music shows.  I envision myself running manically, shedding entanglements in a haphazard path behind me.  All this energy seems overflowing.  I think I’m adjusting to what it feels like not to have the constant, constant desire to just curl up and sleep.

But I know in the past, productivity has been a battle, a defense – I latch on to outside momentum and frantically hurry hurry to keep going so the depression can’t get me again.  It exhausts me.  I hope, this time, I am growing my energy from myself, a solid place.  Not weightlessness.  Maybe a sign (or a method to make sure) that this is “real” energy is to use it to motivate others.  I’ll just be a sunbeam on all y’all, or something.

Sark’s note about emotions seems like another way to know if mine is healthy energy: I’ll be able to feel.  That empty vortex that I’ve fought to stay in before left me feeling manic and lost from my real emotions – clueless.  Maybe it will be easier now that I’ve confronted myself and decided to carve a space in the real world.

(Living Juicy is by Sark)


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