Sunday, March 21, 2010

Have U Know ! Pharmacy!

See also at topic

So, the other night I took a look around my room. I looked at my dresser and my night stand. If you would have told me this time two years ago, that I would have tons of pill bottles layin around, and I would practically live in the pharmacy, and be in Dr.’s office every few weeks, I wouldn’t believe you. When I was growin up, I was the one kid in class that NEVER got sick, and perfect attendance. I thought it was weird. But I didn’t really pay it any attention. I got sick for one day, for a few hours, then that was it. But NOW….. oh how the times have changed. About two years ago, I started to not feel like myself. I was always in the pain. How do you go from never being sick, to always in pain. I always had migranes, but they had stopped. But as of two years ago, they came back, and they came back HARD! The straw that broke the camel’s back was, one weekend I had a ‘migran’ that kept me in bed for three days. “/ If I knew then what I know now, I probably would have ran to the ER. But I hated the Dr. They never did anything for me. They never gave me anything that worked, for my migranes, so I just stopped going. After that weekend that I spent in the bed, and after missing soo much class time, from being home in bed, not being able to do much moving, I decided to go to the Dr. I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea what she was gonna tell me. But I bit the built and my nerves.

She did things that ordinary Dr’s don’t do on the first visit. I thought I was just going to get a physical, and she was gonna ask me some questions. She did that, AND she did blood work. That surprised me. Not too soon after I went to see her, who by the way is my mother’s Dr also, we went down to Maryland to my aunt’s house for Memorial Day/vacation. That weekend, I got a phone that would rock my world, and one that I was not expecting. She told me that my blood work had come back. *heart drops* First she told me the not so bad news. I had a calcium/vitamin D deficiency…. Ok, I can live with that. A slight Asthma. *shrug* Ok….Then she went on to tell me that I tested postive for Sickle Cell…… WTF?! I swear I didn’t hear anything she said after that. Sickle cell? Me? How? WHY? My vacation had officially been ruined. How was I supposed to enjoy after that. Usually, people who have sickle cell know from birth. All I knew was that I had the trait. But apparently, over time, my trait had developed. FML! I had no idea what this meant for me. All I ever heard about Sickle cell was bad things, and when I did my own research, it didn’t really make me feel any better…….

I’m not gonna lie, I was lowkey depressed. I had no idea what this meant for the rest of my life. From what I read, this means complications with my heart…(keep reading), complications in pregnancy, passing it on to my child, long hospital stays…. The list goes on. But I had the best people around me. They prayed, and hard, and so did I. I was in a BAD place, and I had to get out. I had to pick up the pieces and figure out how to move forward. But of course the bumps in the road didn’t stop there.

One day I had gotten THEE worst chest pain ever. It definitely threw me off, but I didn’t know what to make of it. Then it kept happening. I knew something wasn’t right. I would get these pains, and my heart would skip a beat or two, or it beat too hard or to fast. Something in my brain was screaming SOMETHING IS WRONG! So one day, I was in class, and it was so bad I had to gather myself and walk out. I just couldn’t do it. I came home, and got in the bed. The next day, I went to the nurse, and she gave me some bs story. That didn’t work. So I went to my Dr. Got an EKG, and the first one came back ‘normal’. I really wasn’t satisifed with that, but the Dr said so, so I took it at that. Time went on, and the pain never stopped. I figured it came from the sickle cell. But one day I had come home from class, it was becoming a problem. It had been about three days of this constant pain. So I asked my best friend to take me to the ER. A few weeks later, my Dr sent me to have an echocardiogram (2D ultrasound of my heart). I should have been used to waiting for these phone calls by now. I had an idea of what it was. But the wait, and the idea of hearing come from the Dr’s mouth scared the sh*t out of me. So my results came back, and sure enough…. It’s called Mitral Valve Prolapse, it when my left valve sometimes flutter back and forth, cause irregular heart rythyms, and chest pains. Shit just don’t get no better does it?…. smh And of course me being me, I did my research. And again ….. The side effects from the meds alone had me lookin at the screen like WTF?… Well we can just add that to the pill bottles on the dresser. “/

All this going on, while I’m thinking, how can I be the sick one, when I have to be Superwoman. I’m the strong man in my house. My mother, who has R.A., can’t do much, so that leaves me. How this happening to me?! I didn’t get it. Of course, I thought it wasn’t fair. Me being the private person I am, I don’t have many people I trust, so I didn’t have many people I could keep by my side through all of this. But I swear I have the best friends in the world!! My sister Rosanna, has been by my side through EVERYTHING! From every panic attack to every dreadfully painful day and night to waiting for those phone calls. Then came my wifey, Lucy! From the first day we met, we clicked. But little did we know we had more than that night in common. She understands my pain, and my pride. She understand the fear I have of people seeing me at my worst. And then there’s my closest male friend. I call him Superman. He knows me, well, a lil too well. And it’s a lil scary. Lol But he understands everything. And he’s there. I am soooo grateful for them.

I took a look around, and I smirked. Idk what this journey is about. But I’m learning as I go. It’s by no means easy. But I’m on it, and I can’t stop.

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The choice of hair care products around today is truly amazing, and ranges available only keep growing. Until the arrival of the first after the shampoo in the 1970s, shampoo base was only available. If there was a “normal” or “greasy hair, there was a shampoo for you, with the only other change – one for the treatment of dandruff.

When the air conditioner first arrived on the scene, it revolutionized the hair care and, finally, on loose hair may be behind us. What was not predictable is the proliferation of products that what lies ahead, and each type Hair is supported soon. Special products has begun in preparation for what can be done with your hair once it was only a matter of choosing the right shampoo once came conditioning shampoo matching the Today These days, comes with a host of other hair products – gels, mousses, serums, waxes and varnishes, welcome to buy the whole range for perfect hair.

I have a Medicinal Chemistry test on Weds worth 45% of my grade and a Pathophisiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics test on Friday worth 30%.

I'm 7 lectures behind on PP&T. Oops.

This is one of the reasons I love love love UMD SOP. MEDIASITE! It's this wonderful website where almost all of our lectures are posted for the Shady Grove campus to view as well as slackers like me who just have put it off, haha.

I'm really enjoying pharmacy school, mediasite luxury aside. I feel like I've grown up and am FINALLY on my path. My only wish is that I would be doing better in school! I've been doing well, but it's NOTHING like my straight A's in undergrad. I remember when I felt like a personal failure if I got below an A. LOL. Man, I deserve what's been coming to me since I got that pompous, haha.

School aside, Life is wonderful.

Today is my Auntie Deedee's 57th birthday! Poor woman had an accident and fell down some steps last month and broke her tibia in 7 places! She's recovering really well thank goodness. For her birthday celebration, we had crispy pata, pancit, shrimp and Mom's delicious BBQ ribs. Finger lickin good. We also had a Passion Fruit cake from Yia Yia's bakery in Essex. So delicious!

After dinner, I dropped Nicole off at her friend Apple's Sweet 16. But, not before stopping by Rita's in Joppa for FREE ITALIAN ICE! First day of Spring! Definitely one of my favorite days. :)  

Hughes is out tonight with Jimbo playing some music then going to watch UFC. Which is great for my school work schedule… if I got the motivation to actually start it! You know what? I just saw him last week and it feels like an ETERNITY! I just can't wait to be able to see him everyday and not have to worry about this whole long distance thing. But, that's another 3 years away unless I can convince him otherwise. I don't know though, I've been batting my eyes for 2.5 years and it still hasn't gotten him up here, HAHA. He'll probably be back here again for KY formal on April 30. WHICH by the way, just reminded me that I have to text Jen about sending out a survey to the brothers! —> Noted.

Anyway, I'm going to watch lectures. SECOND entry of the day. Holy moly. The world is going to end.That night we all went to a churrascaria or Brazilian steakhouse. Churrasco is the cooking style, which translates roughly from the Portuguese for 'barbecue'. Camila and I had planned carefully and we were all booked into the best one in Rio: Porcao, or the big pig!  The word barbeque for Irish people conjurs up an image of back gardens, spits, charcoal, burgers, sausages and chicken wings.  For the more adventurous it might mean marinated chicken breasts, scallops, monk fish, squid and some quickly flipped mackerel. For the Brazilian’s it’s very very different. Picture a huge salad and sushi table 4/5 meters in circumference with lots of exotic cheeses, pastas and vegetables with a generous offering of Japanese style foods and cheese breads. This is the starters offered with local Gurana drink, coconut juice, soft drinks and wines.  Next you get a picture of a cow divided into over 13 cuts. You also get 2/3 waiters, per person! On your table, like a beer matt, you have a green piece of cardboard on the front and red on the back. When you flip it to green, you are giving a signal to the waiters to come at you as quick as possible with as many meets as possible for you to eat. When the signal in red, it mean’s leave us alone, to try digest what we had eaten. And so on and on it goes. Plate after plate. Dish after dish. Drink after drink.  But the cow is only half the story! Then comes the chicken, all sorts of fishes and they don’t call it the Big Pig for nothing. Lot’s of bacon on offer and lot’s of fillers like melted mozarella cheese, empanadas, onion rings, fried banana fritters and chips all a mere nod and a wink to a waiter away.  Churrascaria’s are built for international rugby teams that haven’t ate for days. They are built for gormandisers of meat who delight on salty, perfectly cooked, slivers of tender rump or picanaha steak that’s juices are just as nice as the meet itself. They are unforgettable food and drink marathons.  If  ever I was on death row and a I was asked what would be my last meal.  A churrascaria standard all inclusive menu in the Big Pig, Rio, would be my unanimous choice.   

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