Sunday, November 29, 2009

China takes a new look at Marxism

BEIJING – The week before the visit of United States President Barack Obama, the Chinese media were full of hope and expectations: Obama’s meeting with China’s leaders would lead to new and higher-level bilateral relations, newspapers wrote. But it was already clear that, contrary to the ideas of the foreign press, this would not mean that China was to become a second America.

In fact, on November 14, less than 48 hours before Obama’s arrival in Beijing, the official Xinhua News Agency released a long statement in Chinese only explaining that Xi Jinping, vice president of the state and president of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Central Party School), had held a conference about the necessity to “actively encourage the building of a ruling party study model of Marxism“.

Xi, in his speech at the Party School, which was chaired by Li Jingtian, the executive vice president of the same school, recommended studying socialist theory with Chinese characteristics and applying the “core values of socialism”

The school is the highest institution in the country to train officials of the Communist Party of China.

It sounds like a trip back in time, light years away from the wave of freshness and optimism that seems to blow in the West and in the US around Obama, with his liberal, charismatic aura.

But it is not an isolated gesture. The strong emphasis on Marxism has been echoed by headlines in recent months. The current economic crisis places in question the faith, previously almost blind in China, in the capitalist system.

On November 11, the Chinese edition of Global Times, China’s best-selling national newspaper, led the front page with a report that a BBC survey in 21 countries had found that a majority of people no longer had confidence in capitalism. (More than 29,000 people in 27 countries were questioned. In only two countries, the United States and Pakistan, did more than one in five people feel that capitalism works well as it stands.)

In a sense, China is emerging from decades of reticence about its political system. On November 13 and 14, immediately before Obama arrived in Beijing, Zheng Bijian, credited as a political adviser to President Hu Jintao, flew to Taiwan to take part for the first time in a seminar on political systems. Zheng was executive vice president of the Party School in the 1990s when Hu was its president.

t was the first time that a very senior Beijing official had agreed to discuss the differences between the political systems in China and Taiwan, which have been a major stumbling block in any potential process of reunification of the island with the mainland. Taiwan is a parliamentary democracy, and China isn’t.

The message appears to be that with the current crisis – which is economic, but to a certain extent systemic in the US – China is having renewed doubts about the value of the US and Western system, and is growing cautious.

This does not mean that Beijing will turn back or stop, although it is willing to explore different directions.

In his speech, Xi coined a new term in China’s ultra-coded political rhetoric: “The ruling party study model of Marxism.” The definition is cryptic for people in the West, but it is still clearly miles away from the days when the party called itself “Communist Marxist-Leninist“.

The indications are that the Chinese are no longer inclined to define their party as “communist”, although they acknowledge a real, not simply rhetorical, value in the study of Marxism and the “core values of socialism”. China is becoming more convinced and self-confident in its trial reforms of the political system.

This greater confidence was evidenced in Zheng Bijian’s trip to Taiwan. In essence, the message to the Taiwanese, who might still one day unite with the mainland, was, “We will certainly change our political system, but your parliamentary democracy also must reform; otherwise, it risks being derailed and overwhelmed by demagoguery and populism.”

Zheng’s position is not without support on the island, where many entrepreneurs and tycoons are beginning to admire the efficiency and economic success in mainland China.

China’s leaders stress they do not want to export their political model, and they even ask others not to imitate them but to look for their own development paths. Still, China’s politicians are becoming unwilling to endure lectures on politics or ethics, given the fact that their system is working today, while others falter.

In the run-up to Obama’s visit, all this meant that the message to the visitor was to keep domestic politics out of big-policy discussions. But it was also a statement: China is reforming its political system, although it might not be totally along the lines Washington or the West wants to see.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Goings on at the Squat and New Clients - Good & Bad

I had a horrible client the other day that made me feel so incredibly uncomfortable the whole time. I knew there was something wrong with the whole situation, but I thought I might have been only paranoid. When I went to the hotel, he gave me the money and I went to the loo and counted it as usual. The money he gave me was enough for one hour. Fine with me. So I showered and went back outside and we spent about 40 minutes talking and drinking wine and watching the news together. He said he didnt have much time to just relax. After this, we went to take a shower and said ‘First, I’ll massage you, then you can massage me and we can take it from there.’ I looked at the time and told him that it was nearly 8pm. He said that it was only half past, and it was fine. I shrugged and thought that maybe he just wanted something quick. No problem. So I got out my apricot massage oil and let him do what he pleased. During which time, my alarm went off telling me it was time. I told him this and he said that he had paid for two hours. ‘No’ I insisted, ‘You had paid for only one, here is the money, you can re-count it if you want.’ he then told me that I said the price was negotiable and that I would accept two hours for half price. This was the most preposterous thing I have ever heard. Why on earth would I do this for half price for him just because he can’t afford the full price? If you can’t afford it, then go to someone who costs less! I am worth more than that, thank you! ‘I pay for this room, I get drinks, we talk and have a good time and this is how you treat me? You can at least just massage it for me to get me off.’ I told him that I was already on overtime just being there. ‘But I paid you for two hours! This is very bad behaviour’ Yes, well, it is not my fault you don’t understand how this works, you couldn’t pay me correctly, or that you have bad time management skills. I grabbed all of my clothes and ran into the bathroom I was a bit nervous because he was getting really angry. I left my phone and massage oil out in the room though and I panicked a bit that he would take it as hostage until I gave him what he wanted. Thankfully, he didnt.

On the other hand, I had a pretty nice client in High Wycombe last night. An economics professor at a nice university in London. It was great for the both of us because we could do a bit of role-playing. ‘I am going to teach you how to bend over and take it… It is very important for your career to know how to do this.’ ‘Oh yes, sir. Will I get extra credit for studying how to suck your hard cock?’ etc etc. hahaha. You know I love it.

Last night, we also had Thanksgiving dinner. It was a really nice meal and E worked so hard on it after not sleeping for three days and still a bit high from all the drugs she had taken the night before. Bless her heart. I also took the time to thank everyone at the house for letting me stay and some of them seemed to forgive me, except for S. But she always seemed to cold to me that I really wasn’t bothered to be honest. She drunkenly even said ‘I waited two days for that!’, which i could only assume was what I said as I had been out of the house for two days at that point. Whatever S, you weren’t even meant to be living there in the first place, so piss off!

Today, we spent almost all day working on the squat. Cleaning the front mostly as it was desperately needing it. A lot of neighbours were definitely interested with our activity. A lot of mixed messages. I took to going up to them and asking how they were and if they needed anything. They mostly wanted to know what we were doing exactly and what kind of people we were. They also told us a lot of the stories they had about the place. We met a few of the old workers who told us what had happened. They seemed to dearly love the owner who had died, so we are keeping a table he had bought just before he died, and there was a plaque one of the workers had made we want to keep. I also decided to keep bits of the old decor within my room as to commemorate the glory the place once was. Tomorrow, we meet with the neighbors officially to try to get them on our side.


Ya, Thanks For Telling Me

Dear Mr. Anonymous,

Thanks for being a recreational drug user during our whole entire relationship, and always being dishonest about that. Awesome. Furthermore, when you decided to “quit”, your ” relapses” were more than appealing. Double awesome. But when you really did quit, good for you. Switching over to real life doctor prescribed medicine for a condition you never realized you had was a better move, bravo for real. ( Next time telling me first would create a better mood of ‘honesty’ in the atmosphere, you know, for future reference.) However, after starting that regimen, I don’t think you are qualified to determine you should go right back off of it, un-announced and without Dr. supervision. Bad call. This isn’t your dealers dope your messin with. I was just curious where your common sense was in all this? Anyway, please just follow your Dr.’s orders from here on out and let others know what’s happening- in case we need to resusitate you or anything like that. I’d say you could borrow their knowledge for now until it all becomes clear.


Mrs. Anonymous


Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Common Sense Approach to Cocaine Addiction Treatment

“For the first time, researchers from the Institut de physiologie et biologie cellulaire (CNRS/Université de Poitiers) have shown that positive and stimulating environmental conditions make it easier to treat cocaine addiction”. In particular, Marcello Solinas and Mohamed Jaber exposed cocaine addicted mice to an enriched environment during cocaine withdrawal. The environment consisted of small houses, a running wheel, tunnels and many other stimulating items in a large cage. The researchers observed three measures of typical addictive behaviour: 1. Behavioural Sensitization: the progressive augmentation of behavioural responses to cocaine that develops during repeated administration. 2. Location Preference: the ability of the context to induce drug-seeking behaviour and strengthen the contextual association with drug use. 3. Probability of Relapse: “cocaine’s ability to lead to a relapse after a period of withdrawal.” Results showed that all three of these typical behaviours disappeared after the mice had endured 30 days of the enriched environment. In the brain, this disappearance was seen by a decrease in activity in the specific areas associated with dopamine transmission and relapse. Does this seem like news to anyone? Of course rehab won’t work for individuals who are thrust right back into the same environmental circumstances. The rehabilitation process should definitely include changes to living conditions. Availability of cocaine will clearly hinder the probability of relapse. The same basic routine will allow an addict to easily slide back into old habits. Besides pointing out the obvious, this “new” research does provide a bit of insight. Addiction treatment centres may want to consider adding housing support workers to the therapeutic process. The social, physical and mental stimulation seem to be key factors in maintaining sobriety; therefore it might be beneficial to include exercise regimens and educational programs as well. The ideal solution does not seem to be spending 30 days discussing the reason you became an addict only to settle right back into the same old routine after successful completion of a program. Evidently, the emotional aspect is a necessary step in the process, but if anything, this research proves that there is more to treating cocaine addiction. It’s a complete lifestyle overhaul.

click here for more…


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the ugly truth.

I have more stories to blog about now than ever before, including the early days when everything in the gay world was new and exciting and confusing. I’ve got stories of drugs, sex and rock & roll (and I’m not just using a famous phrase, I mean that). There are porn stars and sugar-daddies. Three-somes and bribery. Complicated relationships. Infidelity and HIV. Celebrities of all stripes. Travel, jealousy and family issues. Dating drama, money woes, and health concerns. Fabulous parties and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Funny predicaments and substance abuse. New hobbies and new vices. Friends and happiness and a lot of gratitude. And, of course, LOVE. And loss.

If I do say so myself, my life is really interesting now. And it has all the elements that would make a good blog. Plenty of moral dilemmas about which y’all could opine (and slam me and my friends, as you do). Plenty of learning experiences for the young ones. Plenty of craziness through which others could live vicariously. Plenty of variety and room for growth. I regret that I’m not writing it down so I can remember it when I’m old and boring.

But every time I feel like sitting down to write something, which is often, I think about all the people who are reading it. And it’s not that I’m becoming a more private person, or that the stakes are higher (for me). It’s just that I don’t feel like I’m in control of my story any longer. I always made calculated risks in what I wrote, because almost no story is JUST about me. There was always a slim chance that I’d offend somebody in real life. But lately, every time I make that calculation, it isn’t worth the risk.

Part of it is that a small but increasing number of the cast of characters whose lives intertwine with mine DO have a lot to lose. I can’t tell some of my best stories because they’re also their stories, and I’m not about to be that guy who tips off TMZ. For example, a couple months ago, [____] admitted to me that [____] had [____], right after they [____], which is a pretty damn far cry from the Jesus-freak he portrays himself to be. And it’s a really fucking hot story, too. And just last weekend, I had this FANTASTIC story about [_____] and [____], wearing [____] and [____], naturally, since it was Halloween, getting walked in on by [_____], of all people, while we were busy [_____] in a [_____], just after I [_____]. And just a few hours before that, [_____] came within inches of [_____], not to mention [_____], because he was [_____]. It was all very exciting and sexy and extremely funny, and my first thought was to come home and blog about it. But it’s not really that funny with all the details beeped out, is it? No, it’s not. At all. Even I’m annoyed when I use [____], which is becoming increasingly common. It’s not that I couldn’t disguise things enough that you couldn’t guess. But if it ever did get out, I wouldn’t want to have to explain to my friends why I told the whole world [____], even in a disguised form.

But that’s only a small fraction of the stories that don’t make it here. I guess, for the most part, it’s that I don’t want to have to explain myself in real life. I’m not ashamed of anything I would write about, because I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve been doing. But back in the beginning, I knew I’d never have to answer for it. It’s one thing for tens of thousands of strangers to get a laugh about some masturbation mishap, or whatever I used to write about. It’s another thing to have somebody bring it up at dinner. And even the knowing glance is more than I want to deal with.

If you keep a diary, you’ll understand. You wouldn’t particularly care if some random guy in Indonesia who you’ll never meet reads it. But you wouldn’t want your friends reading it, even if it were totally vanilla. If you thought they might, you wouldn’t write very much. You want to control the release of information to those you love, not because you want to hide it, but because that’s how relationships are supposed to work. I want to WATCH my friends laughing about [_____] when I tell the story in person, rather than have them laugh in front of their computer when I’m not there. I want to explain to somebody how they hurt my feelings, rather than have them read about it as if it were a news story. Blogging used to feel like I was writing a private journal. Now it feels like I’m writing an email to my friends. And there are certain things you just don’t say in an email to friends.

Anyway, if you’re a new blogger starting out, my advice is this: NEVER reveal your identity. It’ll be the death of your blog. If I could hit the reset button and erase the memory of my blog from everybody in Chicago, Boston and New York, I’d do it, and then I’d write a lot more (wait, is there a way to do that? Can I block the IP addresses of whole cities?) I guess I could start over with a new blog, and try to build new readership. But that’s more work than I’m willing to put in.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not quitting. Every now and then I think of things I want to write about, and I’ll continue to do so. I guess I just felt like lamenting. It’s not what it used to be, and that makes me sad.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

4 Tourist In Mecca Die From The Swine Flu Virus

The H1N1 Swine Flu virus knows no borders,has no boundaries, and has absolutely no respect for religious or cultural traditions.

This year at the annual Hajj to Mecca,  Four foreign pilgrims have died of swine flu, the Saudi Health Ministry announced on Saturday.

The Saudi Arabia Health Ministry  said none of the four foreign victims had been vaccinated against the H1N1 virus, as has been recommended by The Health Ministry.

An official statement released by the ministry said all had underlying health problems, including cancer and respiratory illness, AFP news agency reported.

Three of the victims died in Medina and one in Mecca.§ion=0&article=128688&d=22&m=11&y=200Over

The BBC is reporting that….up to three million Muslims from around the world take part in the holy pilgrimage every year, but health officials have expressed fears that it could provide a breeding ground for the virus.

Authorities had tried to prepare for any outbreaks by installing thermal cameras at airports and sea terminals, deploying 15,000 additional health workers and ensuring hundreds of extra beds were available.

The Hajj (Arabic: حج‎ Ḥaǧǧ) is a pilgrimage to Mecca. It is currently the largest annual pilgrimage in the world,[1] and is the fifth pillar of Islam, a moral obligation that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so. The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to Allah (God).[2] The pilgrimage occurs from the 7th to 13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. (

The Health Minister has reported that there are 16 other people that have been diagnosed with swine flu and four remain in hospital in “critical condition”.

He added 12 others had recovered following treatment.

The Saudi government has recommended the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and children skip the Hajj this year.

The Saudi government has said all pilgrims need a certificate of vaccination before they can apply for a visa.

This is real people, and this disease is spreading worldwide,at a rapid pace.

I encourage everyone to get a H1N1 swine flu shot as soon as you can.The reports of any side effects are exaggerated, and will cause millions of people to perish from the lack of the vaccine.

Any paranoia surrounding any alledged complications from the shot are totally unsubstantiated, and if those people out there insist on not receiving the vaccine, then we as a society should only expect more mounting mass casualties from the swine flu, as exhibited this weekend, unfortunately in Mecca.

If it can happen in Mecca, it can happen anywhere.

Please everyone, wash your hands, and go get the shot.

To follow the full story, click on the links for my sources below…


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Borny is a young man with a good heart, before we used to be very close friends and we could do a lot together.

We used to stay at one base/Chum (a place where people living and working on the street reside) look for food together and do other things together.

Street families we don’t stay  at just one  base but we  keep on moving from one place to another.

Borny and I stayed for about two years without meeting one another and by the time I met him again he looked like a crazy person.  Staying in a base normally changes people like that.

One can go to another base through a friend, you can change because of one base has a lot of food or less food, better shelter, rain fall etc.  Street families have no boundaries. For now Borny sleeps anywhere.

Remember, even though we are living on the street, we are not crazy. Right now Borny is in trouble; he sleeps at the side of the road, totally drank. O LORD HELPS HIM, he may have lost hope in life or bad sprits may have entered in him.

God knows there is nothing much you can do except preaches to him the word of God and that is all I am doing.  I am talk to them using many examples which are from the Bible. At the end they have come to realize now that I am preaching to them and that may be all the hope I have to offer them.

The horses are coming.

I’m not calling you a liar, just don’t lie to me
I’m not calling you a thief, just don’t steal from me
I’m not calling you a ghost, just stop haunting me
And I love you so much, I’m gonna let you kill me

  • Florence and the Machine [I'm not calling you a liar]

Ahh, today.. Today, today, today. I rarely use the word ‘hate’ because it’s a strong word, a top-shelf one, but I think I can say I hated most of this morning. The sudden realization about a few choice private matters brought up a lot of fear in my mind. I’m not scared of a lot of things. I think the only things I’m actually, really scared of are: heights, spiders, people close to me dying, and being hated and/or disliked. Quite honestly, I’m scared of my own self and emotions more than anything else. I have to deal with all of my fears, constantly; but dealing with myself has never been something I’m good at, nor do I even want to know what’s going on with my screwed up brain. However, a dear friend of mine brought up some flaws in my eccentric personality. The problem with that is the entire ’speech’ was just saying to me that I’m a fuck up as a person and as a friend. For hours, tears just poured down my face. Then, when I couldn’t cry anymore, I got pissed. I was absolutely livid. How in the fuck could someone dare tell me that I need to change something about myself?!?! I must say, I wouldn’t of wanted to be somebody who had to deal with me sometimes. But it took about five hours for me to calm down enough to try to understand what this friend of mine was saying. Finally, I just gave up and tried to think about other things. I surrounded myself with talkative people, and we were off. Two of my insanely good friends gave me a few things to keep me happy, and I came back to my apartment.

So as of right now, I’m wonderfully high (which means I’m incredibly happy as well). I feel like my brain is working better now, and I can process information better. This is the main reason I smoke all day long, not only for recreational purposes. Looking back on today, I realize that the morning really fuckin’ sucked. And that the evening defiantly wasn’t bad at all. Overall, today was good, average. It’s nice to be able to say that at the end of the day, have you noticed?


Live like you’re dying; because the fact is, you are.

Tomorrow is never promised, just because you made it this far.

Since I’m so clear headed now, I suppose actually thinking about my biggest fear would be a grand idea. Quite frankly, I never really understood the idea of being able to control yourself. When I was growing up, control was something that was nearly impossible to have. It’s hard to control yourself when everyone around you wants to kick the shit out of you. Now, I’m much more of an adult that I’ve ever been, and it’s apparent to me that it’s a necessary thing to keep in good practice. Really, when I look at this last year, even; I see so many changes, so many differences, so much about myself that is so much better than it was before. But still, I’m not up to par with society’s requirements, so I must continue to grow and change. I’ve yet to find myself, and I suppose that’s normal. I’m not the person that I want to be for the rest of my life. Dreams of being someone who I can be proud to say I am don’t just happen without any work; I know that. Right now, I feel so lost and vulnerable that it’s hard to imagine working on my self as well as dealing with everyday occurrences. I guess I’ve hit another one of those unexplainable bipolar experiences that I have every so often. I’ve noticed that I can change personalities almost with each cycle of my bipolar that I go through. As of now, I feel like more of a child that I’ve felt in a long time but that’s because I’m feeling so distant from everyone I’m familiar with. This downward spiral I’ve sent myself into seems to never end. On the first of the coming month, I’m going to turn this whole thing around. I’m stronger, smarter, and more alive than any mental illness I have. If I actually try to get out of this instead of lowering myself deeper and deeper, I can figure out how to act like a normal person. I used to have semi-strict morals, I used to have as goal for life, I used to be able to get up in the morning and know that everything was going to be alright. Since no therapist or person of the law or parent could ever control me, I figure I can control myself if I put my mind to it. I’ve been slowly learning to eat like a normal person. I’ve consumed actual meals lately. The idea in my head is to try to reverse some of the horrible habits I’ve gotten together with. In doing that, I can start to work on the better parts of myself, and add to them. As with every change I go through, I expect to lose some of the people I currently call friends. The few friends that I can trust will remain but I don’t think I can let myself continue to deal with the bullshit of other people. Ignorance flows over in this country, in this world. I have no reason to subject myself to it. I fully expect to be some much better by the beginning of the year. Effort is key in this, and I just need a little time.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Perspective

I’ve found the book The Five Gates by Lynn Kesselman worth reading. My mother gave me this book  and  I’ve found it to be helpful in many ways. I haven’t personally dealt with drug or alcohol addiction, but I have a close friend who has. I’m trying to think how to approach her about reading this book. It’s a book that anyone can benefit from, but addicts will get more out of it than those without addictions. I personally believe that the book has helped me deal with certain personality traits in my own life that I don’t like, but as I said, I think the book is geared more towards those who have addictions.

I am known to my family and friends to be a bit obsessive compulsive. The Five Gates book is a book that can help with this type of disorder as well as drug or alcohol addiction. Certain parts of this book seem as if the author is speaking directly to me! It’s a bit creepy to tell you the truth. I am still reading it and haven’t finished yet. Maybe if I tell my friend who has a drug addiction how much this book has helped me I will convince her that it’s a book she should read as well.

Until next time…

- Rosy

The Daily Habit: Psychology

 11:59 pm

7 Signs You’re Totaly Fat – AMERICA-  If you’re a fat guy in your late 20s or 30s, it’s pretty much a given that you’ve been fat your whole life.  Your dad is fat, your mom is fat and your brothers and sisters are fat.  Hell, your whole goddamn family is fat.  If this is the case you’ve probably had other fat people telling you every day of your life that you’re fat and that you need to lose a bunch of weight before you sweat yourself into a coma.  Sure, you’ve tried the pee green soup diet, the Atkins starvation program diet, Nutri-Slim, Ultra- Slim, Nutri-Ultra-Slim and even dabble dwith chrystal meth, but none of them seemed to work.  If you are still asking yourself why you can’t stop gorging yourself all day long, here are 10 reasons to wise up and lose a few hundred pounds, fatso.  

1.  You eat after 7 pm- Hell you eat before 7 p.m. too, and during, and after, and in between.

2.  You eat large meals every 3 hours- Slow down on the feed bucket Dumbo.  There’s plenty for later.

3.  You don’t let yourself get hungry.  How could you?  You stuff your fat face every minute of the day.

4.  You cheat on your diet more than you exercise-  Diet, exercise?  Ha, ha, ha, ha.  That’s a good one.

5.  You don’t follow your diet 6 days a week-  You don’t follow it ever.

6.  You eat 2000 calories a day.  Damn. That’s more than a kindergarten class a snack time tubby, with no nap time.

7.  Carbs are good-  If it doesn’t taste good, it’s not worth eating, in massive quantities. (

So, if you’re a fat, lazy ass-stomach, you basically have two choices to start considering:  1. Go on a diet and live a long, healthy life or 2. Keep eating like a hippo in heat until your arteries explode.  If you want to live to see the Pittsburgh Pirates have a winnning season, or at least one where they don’t totally suck, hit the gym and start popping Ephedrine like they’re tic tacs.  If you enjoy a bucket of hot wings for breakfast a few days a week then keep on eating and packing on pounds.  What’s a little bypass survery at 30?




Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Paying for healthcare? "Tax the rich," AP poll says

Maybe Al Franken is right. The comedian turned liberal lawmaker raised some eyebrows when he joined conservative Republicans in opposing taxes on medical device manufacturers to pay for healthcare reform. It turns out that an AP poll finds that most Americans also have a different idea on how to raise funds. They agree with Franken on device taxes. They want to tax the rich. (What a novel idea.) Here’s what AP says:

“Lawmakers also are looking at levying new taxes on insurance companies, drug companies and medical device makers. But the only approach that got majority support in the AP poll was a tax on upper-income Americans. The House bill would impose a 5.4 percent income tax surcharge on individuals making more than $500,000 a year and households making more than $1 million.”

Supreme Court hears case on prosecutorial immunity

Last week the Supreme Court heard oral argument in an important snitching case: Pottawattamie County v. McGhee. Two prosecutors are being sued for fabricating evidence — essentially pressuring a criminal informant until he came up with the story they wanted and then using that story at trial. The issue is whether they have absolute immunity, as prosecutors typically do for trial-related decisions, or whether they were acting more like investigators and therefore would only have qualified immunity from suit. Radley Balko over at Reason has posted this comprehensive discussion of the case and oral argument. For defendants who have been convicted based on fabricated evidence, the only remedy to which they are typically entitled is the overturning of their conviction. See this post: Judge finds prosecutorial misconduct in permitting false informant testimony. A finding that prosecutors who fabricate evidence might be personally liable would significantly alter the dynamic between informants and the government.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Try as I might...

I'll take blood for $200 Alex

Try as I might there are things I just can’t put out of my head….people, places and things….try as I might I can’t get into the fluff, my mind prefers to stick to the dark stuff….but I can’t focus on fluff right now, the pain won’t let me…neither will the drugs. There is an intense and irrational thought process, it is fragmented at best, incomprehensible and indescribable at worst. I am wanting to scratch my way out, but it isn’t happening. I feel like burning bridges, more like blowing the damn bridge up.

everything means nothing

The day has been especially long, a consequence of little to no sleep…I want to sleep, I want to sleep for a very long time…and when I wake up, I want to wake up to my old life. The me that just didn’t give a fuck about a lot of things, the me that had little to no use for emotional attachments. I strive for that and as I think of it, I mentally add it to my list…my unwritten mental New Year’s resolutions. 2010 needs to start out better than 2009 ends….and it is ending in a painful way, pretty much how it started, these last couple of years have been pretty much a rollercoaster, complete with long lines, high admission for every ride, lots of ups and downs, dizzying, nauseated and I’m too old for the carnival atmosphere….well I take that last part back, some carnivals can be fun, just not this one.

complete with Rollercoaster, but it don't mean a thing

I’ve got phone calls to make….seems that I’m spending more time on the phone than ever before….but I digress…my aunt wants to come and visit, but flying here is too pricey, she isn’t in any capacity to drive, neither am I, if I was I’d go bring her….she is thinking of doing the bus…but that is 20 hours….I guess where there’s a will, there’s a way…I’ll call her tomorrow, I need to update her on some changes and maybe we can figure something out….

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Synthetic Biology? Lets Move Forward

We are at a biological turning point: We can invent organisms to make our drugs and fuel, even recode our DNA.  You know, all those things that “God” used to do for us?  We have the power to do many of them ourselves and are on our way to being able to do them.

Our fuel supplies are running lower than others would want us to know.  So, why not create biological organism create our own fuel.  We are decoding human, animal and plant DNA, only a matter of time until we recode the human body to resist disease.

Through the combining the elements of engineering, chemistry, computer science and molecular biology we have before us the ability to assemble biological tools required to redesign the living world.

Sorry God but it seems we are figuring out your powers and we ourselves will become Gods of sorts.  We will soon be taking cells or other organisms and turning them into machines to create or do whatever it is we might need.

Cells specifically designed to create drugs or make fuel.  Organism that “invade” our own DNA to fix errors in our own code, ending disease, repairing defective hearts, livers, kidneys…etc.

Like the new malaria drug [one of the first products that can be manufactured through synthetic biology—and a project funded by the Gates Foundation], they are going to be able to make all the drug that is needed in the world in a couple of vats. One of the reasons that’s exciting is because it’s a stable, easy way to regulate the manufacturing, to make sure that it’s done properly. We have a big problem with malaria medicine because it’s misused, it’s taken the wrong way, it’s counterfeit—and this is a way of regulating it. I think we’ll see that with energy sources too. It’ll be solid.

Exciting stuff, isn’t it?

As long as we properly regulate the stuff it will become a great thing.  If we don’t regulate it like we didn’t regulate our Banks, then shit happens….bad shit.

We could actually design new life, wow!

The King Khan and BBQ Show arrested for Drug Posession, few surprised

On drugs? Likely.

It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say drugs and The King Khan and BBQ Show are about as divisible as the lateral halves of conjoined twins: Sure, dividing them is possible – hell, even preferable – but its a process dogged by blood and pain, and certainly in the case of the rock duo, a damn sorry sight to see.

So color me and as well as those with similar minds completely unfazed by the recent news of The King Khan and BBQ’s show’s recent arrest.

Pitchfork, via The Kansas City Pitch and The Riverfront Times, reports that the duo and their tour manager were arrested for drug possession in  Hopkinsville, Kentucky (though some reports say it was Oak Point; point considered moot) canceling multiple shows and upsetting at least three dozen drunken fans.

While the drugs in question were simply refereed to by police as “controlled substances” it wouldn’t take too much imagination to figure what the band’s stash consisted of: Certainly cocaine, maybe some mushrooms, and knowing the band’s music, some variation of ground unicorn horn.

Khan and Sultan are current out on bail, but their tour manager continues her stay in Hotel Yardbird, repentant about her suspended license and poorly-hidden narcotics.

The King Khan and BBQ Show’s  recent album, Invisible Girl, is available via In the Red Records.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drug:Tramadol is narcotic pain reliever

Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever. Tramadol is used to treat  to severe pain.You should not take tramadol if you have ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol.You may be more likely to have a seizure while taking tramadol if you have a history of seizures or head injury, a metabolic disorder, or if you are taking certain medicines such as antidepressants, muscle relaxers, or medicine for nausea and vomiting.Do not stop using tramadol suddenly, or you could have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, tremors, chills, hallucinations, trouble sleeping, or breathing problems.Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. Tramadol extended-release tablets are only used by people who are expected to need medication to relieve pain around-the-clock for a long time. Tramadol is in a class of medications called opiate agonists. It works by changing the way the body senses pain.

Related Drugs Links:Addiction Treatment

Joss Stone admits to smoking weed, gets flack for it

Joss Stone recently sat down with Britain’s Star magazine and talked about her relationship with ganja. She basically said she had a spliff or two.  Now anti drug group are all up in her George Foreman. Her’s what she said: “I smoke weed, but I don’t think it’s really a drug. It’s more an herb. I don’t regret saying that at all. I think everyone smokes weed and people who say they don’t are lying! Weed has been given this evil stamp, but how is it dangerous? It’s going to make you laugh your a** off? You might go to sleep? I think alcohol is much more harmful.”

We agree with her, but she needn’t vilify the alcohol! Anyway, anyone that is anti-marijuana better chill and sit back. Who in the hell outlaws a plant? It’s a plant! And it’s been around for ages and will not go away. We don’t ever remember ever hearing someone overdosing on the weed. These people should get their facts straight and then enjoy a joint.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


To The Editor, New Scientist, 84 Theobald’s Road, LONDON, WC1X  8NS. 08/11/2009


I am over eighty years old. The reason why I am still alive and able to write this letter is that when I was a teenager I decided that I would never take any substance that would harm my brain. I do not drink alcohol or take so called “recreational” drugs. I call them dangerous anti social drugs. Thank goodness that I have adhered to that policy all my life.

I think that those who control the New Scientist were wrong to allow David Nutt to spread his subversive and evil propaganda by allowing him to write the Guest Editorial in the 7th. November 2009 issue of NS. This blunder was comparable to the time when NS distorted and belittled the views of Charles Darwin.

I have yet to read a scientific statement on the subject of drugs by Nutt. All his comments are sound bites which are anything but scientific.

There are criminals who target school children to sell them ecstasy, cannabis and other dangerous drugs knowing full well that children are not mature enough to know the damage which these drugs have on their brain. By trying to decriminalise these drugs Nutt and NS are helping these despicable criminals.

I agree with Nutt that alcohol has similar detrimental effects to cannabis. In Scotland binge drinking is now a major social problem causing deaths, violence, family disruption, brain damage, etc. Those who are trying to decriminalise cannabis will increase its use and accelerate the damage which will be even worse than the detrimental effects of alcohol. The long term effects could contribute to the destruction of the human race.

Anyone who takes drugs for short term “pleasure” are either stupid or misguided or both. Drugs should only be administered by medical doctors who have a responsibility to tell the patient all the possible side effects of the proposed drugs. This has to be strictly regulated because drug companies have a vested interest in maximising profits from the sale of the drugs they manufacture. The only way to protect juveniles and misguided or unintelligent adults is to make it illegal for drugs to be sold or used for non medical purposes. That is why cannabis, etc. should not be decriminalised.  The punishments for those who do not obey this legislation by selling these drugs should be very severe. Some countries use the death penalty. I do not support the use of the death penalty but I do support long terms of imprisonment and the removal of all their wealth and the wealth of their spouse from those who are such a serious threat to the human race.

The punishment for those who are caught with possession of these drugs should be less severe but they should reflect the severity of the consequences of using these drugs. Hence, it should remain a criminal offence to have possession of these drugs.

Is it possible that Nutt has ulterior motives for his campaign to decriminalise cannabis? Is he a Tory wanting to make things as difficult as possible for the Labour Government? Has he got children and friends who he does not want to be saddled with a criminal record? Does he himself enjoy taking these drugs?

If you do not publish this letter in full those who control NS will be helping despicable and unscrupulous criminals to profit from what is a terrible threat to our society.

Do the Amish Party?

Rumspringa (pronounced Room-shpring-a) Definition: Running around.

The Amish are a group of people who want to be different from the world. They want to let their light shine through the life they live. They don’t actively convert others to their religion. To them, a simple life that forsakes all vanity speaks for itself. Cable TV, Xbox 360’s and other gaming systems, alcohol, smoking, and even electricity are considered to be distractions that will take value away from their lives. Amish folks do not question the traditions of the church. They are content to be satisfied with the way things have always been. “Idol hands are the Devil’s workshop” is a concept they use to keep themselves busy so as not to think of or do vain things.

Generally, when you see an Amish person they are driving a horse and buggy. The faster pace of the world with their fast cars and places they have to be as quick as possible is quite foreign. The slower pace of life allows them time to meditate on God and evaluate their ways in order to be what God wants them to be.

You have to commend them for being consistent. Generally, a religious person follows church culture on Sundays and lives in the world culture on the following Monday. At the very least, the Amish way is a consistent way to live your life. The Amish key verse is I John 2:15: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.


Amish children are dealt with in an interesting way. Until 8th grade, most Amish children are in a one-room schoolhouse. They drop out after 8th grade and get jobs. Up until the age of 16, they have no contact with the outside world. During this time, the parents bring up the children the way they think they should live their lives, and try to instill in them the values of the Amish.


You may wonder how they have managed to stay the same throughout the years. Virtually no one questions the church or tries to change the way they do things. This is accomplished in part by a period in the Amish life called “rumspringa”. After Amish children reach the age of 16, they go out into the “English” world to experience what it is like. It’s during this time that they either choose to join the Amish church or leave it forever. This period could last anywhere from a few months to a few years. The decision is very hard for many. To leave the Amish church is to forget everything you have ever done: forget your family, church, work, friends, and your community.

This “dabbling” in the outside world is like playing with fire. The boys dress English and drive cars. The girls typically do not. If there isn’t a party around, then they make one. Within minutes, word spreads that a party is on and Amish adolescents from miles around, and even from other states, jump in their newly acquired cars to attend a party that could number in a few hundred to a thousand. These parties include alcohol, smoking, sex, rock music, gaming, and sometimes drugs like methamphetamines. Sometimes the parties are held in a parent’s backyard. The parent has knowledge of what goes on and does nothing to stop it, for the Amish adolescents must be free to make their own choices. However, if an Amish person were to die during the time of rumspringa, hell is their destination. An Amish preacher commented on this belief and quoted “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.”

And for all that they do, the Amish children know that the church will take them back unconditionally. And the Amish church reports that currently 90% of all rumspringa adolescents come back to the church, which is the highest percentage reported thus far. When they come back they are baptized into the church and make a promise to God to follow the rules of the church for life. The ones that leave the church, choose material things and the “English” way of life over their own families.

 But is this a good practice for the Amish people? On the positive side, at least their young people are given a choice. You can’t say they are forced into their religion. However, age 16 is a time of great inner pubescent turmoil.

It does raise the question of how to keep your children in the same faith that you have as they get older.

Erik Erikson had no formal training in psychology, but was trained to be a psychoanalyst by Sigmund Freud. He stated that people pass though eight psychosocial stages in their lifetime. At each stage, there is a crisis to be resolved. The stage I am concerned with is Stage 5, which ranges from age 12 to 18. Erikson says that the question “Who am I” becomes important during this time. To answer it, adolescents increasingly turn away from parents and toward peer groups. Erikson believed that during adolescence the individual’s rapidly changing physiology, coupled with the pressures to make decisions about future education and career, creates the need to question and redefine the psychosocial identity established during the earlier stages. Teenagers experiment with various sexual, occupational, and educational roles as they try to find out who they are and who they can be. This new sense of self is a reassembly or an alignment due to the resolutions of the previous crisis and the new opportunities that are now afforded them. This will contribute to the final stage of development where the individual will look back over his or her life and accept the accomplishments, failures, and limitations that have occurred. Of course, some will be filled with regret at the way they have lived their lives.

So, how do we deal with our young ones if we want them to grow up right? In my experience as a Christian, almost everyone has fallen away from the faith at some point in time. But this “Crisis of Faith” is not limited to the young ages. I have a friend who recently went through a crisis of faith and she is around 29 years old. She began to question what truth is and did not accept the Bible answer. The problem is that by that time she was already settled in life, had a husband, and a job, and now all that is in jeopardy. There is too much collateral damage for a crisis of faith later on in life.

 Why don’t people develop their faith personally at a young age? Well, many reasons pervade in the current day, but I believe there is a main reason: Erikson states that parents who are overly restrictive and harsh give their children a sense of powerlessness and incompetence, which can lead to shame and doubt in one’s abilities. If you aren’t given the chance to make a decision, chances are the decision is made for you. You roll through life following the beliefs that aren’t really your beliefs but you haven’t realized it yet. If you did, it would be the beginning of your crisis of faith.

Knowing that the crisis of faith is advantageous at a young age, how then as parents do we proceed? Usually, between the ages of 18 months to 3 years old is when a child starts to develop his own system of doing things. A child at this stage has the dual desire to hold on and to let go. Parents who allow their children to roam freely while at the same time provide an ever present guiding hand help the child to develop a sense of autonomy (self-governing). Now really, are they self governing at that point? No. But you can allow them chances to make their own decisions in certain situations. After all, we as parents know what our children can and cannot do. (At least, if we are looking for that kind of thing.) As the child grows older and reaches the teenage years, allow them to gradually increase in responsibility and freedom. As a parent, know that someday they will probably have a crisis of faith. And the Christianity that you want them so badly to hold on to… foster their minds to question it and be ready to answer those questions. Better it be you than someone else. Show them your faith is true, and teach them to recognize a lie. At least they will have the tools to deal with their crisis of faith properly.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sometimes, You Have To Spit In Other People's Sinks.

Sometimes, you have to ash in other people’s cars and steal their rollies and spit in their sinks. When you have no other option available.

Sometimes, you have to lie on someone’s kitchen floor and listen to your ex fucking your bff in the bathroom, the sounds of their breaths easily protruding the paperthin wall.

Life here is an endless cycle of bullshit, same old shit, same old people. Sometimes you have to break down. When you push your emotions to the bottom of the bottle so you can drink from the top, sooner or later they’re gonna come bubbling up to the surface, melting your spine (or maybe that was the morphine) as your eyes cry acid and your skin burns.

Instead of lungs I have balloons, because balloons are replacable and they come in pretty colors and they cant get cancer. Its a pretty simple procedure, actually. Only costs a couple hundred bucks. After the initial operation, you just replace the balloons every three weeks at your own convenience. Like magic, you dont need to breathe anymore.

My heart is 80% duct tape. My eyes are glass windows, two-way mirrors. There are bars over them, but theyre not bulletproof. I am so goddamn vulnerable.

Sometimes you have to go numb. Its better to feel nothing at all than to feel everything at once. Can’t even handle that shit. And it’s better to live for your next fix than to have nothing to live for, right?

Sometimes, you have to play the role of awkward, tearstained third wheel to your ex and his new gf all night, trying to suppress the urge to shoot the two people you love and trust most in the world right in the fucking face.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Welcome to my blog :)

Like any other 20 year old, the biggest interest in my life is my friends, university and work. I live in the little bubble of Jessica and don’t pay a lot of attention to much else thats going on in the world.

However, I work eight hours a week in a pharmacy where I’ve had my eyes opened to the lives of drug addicts who give me insight into their lives daily.

Before working there I hadn’t thought about drug addicts and how they live. The needle exchange and methadone programmes opened my eyes to another part of society . It felt really good to learn and form an opinion on people that are often looked down upon. I want to burst the little bubble that I live in and learn more about life.

In 2002 Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were murdered by Ian Huntley. At the age of 13 this was the very first news story that I became aware of. Before then I knew that things happened around the world but these girls were so close to my own age that I became obsessed with someone finding them.

I had was constantly checking around myself to make sure no one was following me and I was checking the newspapers and any form of media I could get my hands on while I was on a family holiday. I can’t remember anything from that holiday other than the panic I felt.

Since then I have slowly become more aware of big news stories but have never really thought about how I would feel in that situation.

Back when I was 13 I had long blonde hair and a chubby faced smile. A lot of people when I returned to school after that summer said that I resembled Holly Wells. The fear hit me once again as I thought that someone might target me next.

Ian Huntley was later charged with perverting the court of justice and murder of the two girls. After this happened I forgot about the story until I was reminded about that holiday.


I was brought up by my mother and father who never really educated me on topics of politics or taught me a lot about the history of different things around the world. I learnt the basics at school and just trundled through life being unaware of what was going on around me until I was affected by that news story.

I’d never looked at pieces of news and wondered how I would feel in that situation, or how that situation could effect the people in the surrounding culture. At the age of 11 two planes hit the twin towers causing approximately 2,792 deaths. I knew that America had gone to war but I didn’t understand why, in all honesty I still don’t really understand why today.

“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can –there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” Sarah Caldwell

I take inspiration from the quote above and am now going to adopt it as my mantra.

As a 20 year old female studying journalism at university and working on a pharmacy I want to learn more about the world.  I want to understand politics for the first time and know that who I’m voting for is going to be the right person for the job.

I want to stop sitting in coffee shops and looking puzzled as I listen to other people debate the pro’s and con’s of Barack Obama. I don’t want to just be another clueless 20 something who doesn’t understand whats going on around them.

In this blog I will chronicle by quest to understand more about life!

Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading my blog as much as I do writing it.



Contest guidelines :

Theme : “Kilos Pamayanan : Sa Droga Patuloy Na Lumaban.”

Duration : 30 seconds

Eligibility :

· Must be a resident of Misamis Oriental and the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Gingoog.

· Participant must own the submitted material.

· Participant must be able to provide written consent of any person featured in the video.

· Participants are not allowed to use voices of radio/TV personalities.

· Employees of radio and TV stations are allowed to participate but their entries should not in any way reflect the names of their respective companies / outlets.

Criteria :

Style and Creativity                           30%

Context and Presentation               40%

Call for Action and Impact             30%


Total                                                       100%

Rules :

· Fill-up an official entry form.

· Deadline of submission of entries : November 18, 2009, 5:00PM

· Submit in DVD copy with the entry form to the Provincial Peace and Order Council, c/o Press Office, 2nd Level, Provincial Capitol, A. Velez Sts, Cagayan de Oro City.

· It must meet all guidelines and criteria imposed by the judges.

· It must not contain, depict or refer to any crude, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, disparaging, discriminatory, offensive, illegal or otherwise unsuitable language or other.

· It must demonstrate or represent an awareness and for a safe and responsible approach to anti-drugs. The radio plug must not contain, depict or refer to any irresponsible behavior, foolish risks or as determined by the judges in its sole discretion.

· It must not contain any content that violates any law or any third party’s rights (including privacy, personality and intellectual property rights).

· It must not promote, depict or refer to any commercial enterprise or personality.

· The organizer may disqualify any entry if it determines (in its sole discretion) that the radio plug does not comply with the rules.

· The radio plug may use various formats (mini drama, straight announcement, endorsements, dialogue, question and answer, puzzle and quizzes, musical jingle).

Judging of finalists :

The PPOC will select the judges in its sole discretion. The panel of judges will select the first, second and third place winners.

Prizes :

1st place -       P10,000

2nd place -         7,000

3rd place -         5,000

Awarding of winners :

November 20, 2009, 6pm at the Provincial Capitol.

Publicity :

Except where otherwise prohibited by law, participation in the contest constitutes a winner’s consent to the organizer’s use of the winners’ name, municipality/city and province for promotional purposes without further notification, permission, payment or consideration.

For inquiries : Call (088) 720757. Text 09285517670. Email

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reviews: ALLIGATOR: Prehistoric Reptilians: Tape

ALLIGATOR: St. Augustine, FL: Prehistoric Reptilians: TAPE
Listen up youngsters. This is the future. Crust and doom noise have finally been defeated and the forces of good and danceable punk are alive again. (Thank god!) So, turn up the treble, crank shaft that reverb, grow out your Mohawk /beard and get your pasty ass to the beach. St. Augustine Beach to be exact, and make sure your blasting this 8 song tape the whole fucking way. To say this shit rocks would be an understatement. Its like a surfy punk dance party and everyone in Florida is invited. While listening to this I can imagine chilling on the beach, smoking a fat joint and dancing with a bunch of pale dirty punks next to a bon fire like those cheesy 60’s surf movies. The music is an amalgamation of CCR and THE STOOGES with a reverb surf guitar strut that had me thrusting my arm right out the window of my bitchin Camaro. (actually an Altimi) Amazing vocals and lyrics that are sung intense and insightfully, like the first FUGAZI record. You can feel these fuckers rocking the fuck out of their living room and loving every second of it. And shit, It really was recorded in a living room. Jacobs living room to be more precise. Hopefully this tape isn’t a sign that we are all about to be taken over by REPTOIDS. If so, I hope ALLIGATOR is the soundtrack to Armageddon. 8 songs. RECOMMENDED. (Scottanimo Bay)



The Peoples Republic of Rock n Roll
1195 St. rd. 206 East
St. Augustine, FL

Mechanisms of the Human brain

Human brain is a fascinating organ. Its physical structure and chemical complexity are mind blowing. Understanding the brains working has been mans quest for ages. We don’t know much of the mechanisms even today. What is presented below is a simplified explanation of probable mechanisms of the brain.

We live in an environment full of vivid imagery, sounds, sensations and varied other experiences. All these experiences make sense to us because our brain is able to process the information gathered by our senses and interpret it. When one of our senses or mostly more than one of our senses are stimulated, what is actually happening is that some information from the external environment is being converted to electrical impulses and is being transmitted to the brain. This conversion of varied stimuli to electrical impulses is done at the level of the sensory nerves which are omnipresent in relation to the sensory organs – eyes, ears, skin, tongue, there are others like the receptors in our joints which sense our body position but most of them are involuntary. These impulses of current get transmitted to the brain via the nerves, something like wires to and from a central grid. These electrical impulses causes changes in the brain by decreasing or increasing the electrical potential of individual cells. This is mostly done with the help of ions like sodium, potassium, calcium – the three major ions in the human system. Consequent to this the brain responds by releasing stored chemicals into a synapse – a connection between two neurons, the fundamental units of the brain (brain cells, there are others along with neurons, the glial cells and the scavenger cells). The chemicals released by the neuron into the synapse (serotonin, nor adrenaline and many others) are synthesized and stored in the neuron in special organs and on appropriate stimulus get extruded out of the cell. Release of this neurotransmitter causes changes in the cells further down the synapse and this chain is propagated. This is true for all the information going to and away from the brain.

Synapse showing release of neurotransmitters

When we do something its basically this release and uptake of neurotransmitters that determines our behavior. When a child learns to speak a word this mechanism ensures that new circuits – groups of related neurons – are activated. When he repeats the word again and again these circuits get strong – physical strengthening due to new protein synthesis is postulated to occur. With time and repetition the child remembers the word – memory is formed. Memory is coding, storing and retrieving data from the brain – a process of new circuit formation, strengthening of formed circuits and activation of those specific circuits when retrieving learned data.

This is an overtly simplified version of the workings of the brain, but it suffices to say that brain works through electro-chemical mechanisms and possible protein modifications.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Advice to my Younger Self

I’ve often thought recently about what would have happened if my current self had been able to travel back in time twenty years and have an encounter with my 18 year old self. Would I even recognize me in the future? What would my first impression have been of how I turned out? Would my initial reaction be that I had stayed true to everything that I had said that I would *never* change in 1988 and still turned out bitchin’?

What would my current self have thought of the distorted reflection of my former incarnation? Memories are a subjective experience, and all experiences are subjective impressions of internal and external sensory input. Would I, for the first time being able to confront who I was, look at myself in the past as a sorry wreck or just a confused young man? Would I have said, “Man, I was beyond unhealthy back then.” Well, it’s kind of hard to avoid when you’re ingesting every drug you can get your hands on, and as a matter of pride, you’re trying to be the best at that too; banging different girls just for a place to stay and something to eat.

Although I know that Jackhammer 1988 would have ben in no condition to listen to Frisky Boy 2009 and take his advice as something he could apply practically, I would still have something to say. I would have definitely said, break it off with that girl you’re seeing right now, there’s too much drama involved. I also would have questioned, why did you ditch school already? You really have a gift that most people don’t have, why piss it away? I’m sure at this point, younger me would think I turned out to be a rather square cat, who foolishly stopped smoking weed and just didn’t understand what it was to be in love.

In a way, diverting my younger self from this path of temporary self-destruction would have affected a lot of other positive paths that came a few years later, only because I hit pretty close to rock bottom and had to make some serious changes. A lot of learning experiences would not have been fully internalized (I’m a stubborn one), but who knows what people I would have never even come close to meeting had I gone the productive route right away?

I don’t live with regret anymore, not even for a minute. The journey is the grand adventure, not just reaching the goal.

I’m sure in many ways, younger me would still look up to current me and wonder how he could get there quicker. Both of us still have no desire to live completely inside the rules of society. We both cannot conform to the homogenous way of thinking, and we both look like the rebellious type. Part of younger me lives on, he is just wiser and more acclamated to the ins and outs of the real worlds. In the end, I would want to mentor young me, and teach him all that he would listen to; and younger me could remind me of how much has always been there from the start, integrated into the very  essence of my being.

Reviews: BUFF CLOUT: Demo

BUFF CLOUT: Jacksonville, FL: Demo: CDR
Imagine if the Japanese dude who wrote all the original Nintendo songs, like Mario and Zelda. Had an unhealthy obsession with RUSH and ZAPPA but  modernized it with a twist of Tom Morrello guitar. Then and only then can you even comprehend the musical powers of BUFF CLOUT.


This 3 song demo is intense and precise math  rock from deep space 69. What’s that you say? Only 3 songs? Well don’t worry these 3 songs clock in over 10 minutes and that’s with no vocals.  The guitar and drums are so cohesive that they sound like Henry Ford  must have felt when he stole the assembly line idea from Native Americans and secured himself as Hitler’s 2nd in command.  If you like your Rock n Roll complicated, intense and trippy. Then check this duo out. Hopefully this Demo will only be the first of more to come. 3 songs. RECOMMENDED.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's a spooky culture

It’s a strange culture in which they laugh at who they call God when displayed in cartoons and dress up their children as what they think the devil looks like.

It’s a strange culture in which they dress up in costume to ward off the evil spirits the while they drink spirits categorized under depressants.

It’s a strange culture that claims a modern view yet continues ancient European pagan rituals.

About time to start putting the wreaths and mistletoe up!

About Impotence

Impotence can create a scar in your sexual life that won’t fade away unless you do something about it. Impotence is basically defined as having a consistent problem in getting &/or maintaining an erection satisfactory for a proper sexual intercourse. Impotence can strike at any age though it is common among the men above the age of 50. If you are one among the many that suffer from this problem, it’s time for you to take control of your sex life before it’s too late.

There are scores of medications available that can rid you of impotence but most of them just offer a temporary solution. Some of these medications are quite popular such as ViagraT & CialisT but what’s not popular are the dangerous side-effects that are associated with their usage like headaches, flushing, nausea, blood pressure variations, irregular heart beats, visual disturbances, even blindness & chest pain. There are some medications that have to be taken for life & can prove to be quite expensive on a long term. If you are too embarrassed to see a physician or buy drugs from a medical store & you don’t want to suffer from any of the above mentioned side-effects or be on a pill for the rest of your life, we have something unique & special to offer you – Prozest!
Causes of Male Sexual Impotence
The reasons that lead to any sexual dysfunction are many, both physical & psychological & so is it for Impotence. The usual culprits are:
• Bodily diseases & disorders: Chronic diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, nerves, arteries or veins can lead to impotence. Endocrine system disorders, particularly diabetes. The accumulation of deposits in your arteries also known as atherosclerosis can cause impotence. In some cases, impotence may arise due to low levels of testosterone in men.
• Surgical treatment or trauma: Damage to the nerves that control erections resulting from an injury to the pelvic area or spinal cord can be a cause for impotence. Surgical treatment for bladder, rectal or prostate cancer can also cause impotence. Extended periods of riding a bicycle can cause temporary impotence.
• Drugs: Drugs such as antidepressants, antihistamines and medications to treat high blood pressure, pain and prostate cancer are other causes of impotence. They disturb the nerve signals or blood flow to the penis. Certain anesthetics & sleep aid drugs can also lead to impotence.
• Drug/ substance abuse: Continual intake of alcohol, marijuana or other addictive drugs frequently leads to impotence & erectile dysfunction and a diminished libido in men. The penile blood vessels can get damaged due to excessive intake of tobacco.
• Stress, anxiety or depression. Psychological conditions such as stress & depression are some of the leading factors today to cause male impotence.
Safed Musli or Chlorophytum arundinaceum is a major element in many of the Ayurvedic medicinal concoctions. For around 2000 years it has been prescribed as a tonic to enhance sexual libido, improve sexual performance, cure Oligospermia and build the body’s immunity towards diseases. Even the western world is now recognizing the value of this powerful herb to treat sexual disorders, a remedy for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for boosting the immunity system and as a cure for diabetes & arthritis.
Clinical trials conducted shows that Safed Musli is completely non-toxic & safe in nature to be consumed. Safed Musli doesn’t show any side-effects even at a high dose of 2000mg/ kg of body weight. This proves that Safed Musli is a safe and effective drug, with similar benefits to that of chemical drugs but without the side-effects .
Safed Musli contains over 25 alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, steroid, saponins and polysaccharides etc within it. The Bio-Chemistry of Safed Musli is as follows:

Carbohydrates: 35% – 42%
Proteins: 5% – 10%
Fibre: 20% – 30%
Saponins: 12% – 20%
Alkaloids: 15% – 25%

The main elements that make Safed Musli rich as a medicinal herb are the saponins and alkaloids present in it. Stigmasterol, a type of steroidal saponins, is the key element of Safed Musli. This saponin is similar in structure to the hormones corticosteroids and testosterone. Stigmasterol improves the production of these hormones in the body thus sustaining a physiological balance or homeostasis in the body.
How Does Safed Musli Act In Prozest?
Prozest tackles the problem of Male Impotency in a safe & effective manner. Prozest is the only natural product that will help you overcome impotency in just 6 months & we give you a guarantee for this. Prozest helps treat impotency once & for all!! The Safed Musli in each pill of Prozest works by:
1. Promoting Hormone Production & Normalization: The biochemical constituents in Safed Musli act as a precursor for the biosynthesis of sexual hormones such as corticosteroids & testosterone. This increase in the production of these hormones induces sexual desire, improves sexual capacity, energy & sexual performance.
2. Improving Stamina & Immunity: The elements in Safed Musli provide the body with a surplus amount of sexual energy to keep you going throughout the night. They not only increase your energy levels but also protect your body against harmful bacteria & micro-organisms thus enhancing your immunity system.
3. Enhancing Sperm Volume & Quality: Safed Musli also enhances the sperm volume & quality. Sperm mobility is also considerably improved. Safed Musli also boosts erectile & ejaculation functions.