Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fourteen Marines Killed In Action

The mission went FUBAR in Afghanistan when two helicopters crashed, killing Special Forces and DEA personnel.  It has been widely reported that there was not any hostile fire when the Hawks went down.   These men were on a drug eradication mission, as well as search and destroy for any enemy personnel in the area.

This loss of life is saddening, but it does highlight the utter failure of the United States, War on Drugs.  Is hacking down some poppy plants or pot plants in some far-flung country, worth the lives of our most highly trained fighting force, Special Operations?  I could give two shits about the DEA, send all of those people you want, but do not get our Special Forces killed for the war on drugs.

Special Operations Personnel were undoubtedly sent there to baby sit the DEA, who should not have been there to begin with.  How about, to hell with the war on drugs when we have three real ones to deal with.  I am so sorry that this occurred, but it highlights our short sightedness to the enemy.

Over two million Americans are currently incarcerated for growing or smoking marijuana.  Why?  Because we have an antiquated system of government and our government is so old.  They are still living in the fifties.  War on Drugs my ass.  What the fuck are we doing in another country telling the farmers what they can and cannot grow?

There are two million broken homes, single parents, kids without their parents.  What a great strategy!  Let’s wreck the moral fabric of what our country was founded on, and lock people up for years for using a natural herb…WTF?

We are most assuredly in the shit now.  Keep the DEA out of the military’s hair.  DEA = Don’t Enjoy Anything.  Besides, we need them here at home to further “the cause,” dumb bastards.  I am a huge proponent of President Obama, but things need to change in this country.  I wonder how many of the two million people locked up for marijuana crimes would have contributed to the war effort after 9/11.  We will never know.


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