Sunday, January 17, 2010

How do they come up with the levels in Nintendo?

Good evening!

Before I say anything else, I want to thank you all for your wonderful comments yesterday. You made me feel so good about my decision, and I just cant thank you enough.

I meant to do a post a lot earlier, but Ive been very distracted researching schools. Im pretty certain Im going to go with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. If any of my fellow Canadians know anything about this school, your input would be SO appreciated!

My parents are excited about my plans to get an education. My mom told my dad about it right away, and she was saying to me that he thinks I would excel at something like this. What a confidence boost! They have also offered to help me as far as funding goes. I cant even explain how much of a relief that is. I am broke as it is. I have a little bit of a savings, but even that is kind of sad. The only reason I have anything at all is because when I left the bank, I still had something ridiculous like 15 vacation days they had to pay me for. I saved almost all of it with every intention of using it to get my real estate license. But that just wasnt what I wanted to do, so I never did it.

The thing with taking a nutrition course, is even if I wouldnt use it for a career, I find it all very interesting. I spend my days at work looking up health benefits of different foods. I find it fascinating.

I had a fantastic run last night. We were pretty dead at work, so my boss sent me home 20 minutes early, which meant I got do run in daylight. How wonderful is that? It was daylight for the first half, and sunset for the rest. I love running during the sunset. Theres something really amazing that happens to the mountains, during sunset. Its like theyre under a spotlight. I wish I had a picture. It was amazing.

Then – 45 minutes, 7 kms and 4 hills later, when I was ready to die coming up my last hill and rounding the corner to my house, I look at the sky, and it looks just like this.

Ok – so maybe “The Simpsons” wasnt written across the sky, but the clouds looked exactly the same. The sky was the same kind of blue, it was so cool. The Simpsons theme song started playing in my head, and it made those last couple minutes 100 times easier!

Since I had a boyfriend free night last night, I decided to be SUPER cool and play Super Mario on my Wii all night. Now, maybe its just me, but sometimes (ok almost always) when Im playing this game I think the people who came up with it must have been on acid.

Now – Im no expert when it comes to drugs, I was always too afraid of what would happen to me, so maybe thinking they were on acid isnt fair. Could have been opium.

It IS fun though!

Now, on to this morning.

I keep seeing egg whites in oatmeal on blogs these days, so I decided to try it out this morning. I should NOT be eating eggs, I was highly allergic as a kid. I can eat them on occasion these days, but if I overdo it I will get a migraine.

I also cooked the oats with some chia seeds, and of course cheese.

The egg white made such a big difference. These were the best oats I have ever had in my life.

After that Lexie and I had a fantastic 6.5 km run in the SUNSHINE! Thats right, I said sunshine. I had forgotten what that was like.

Lunch was kind of boring – I stuffed a tortilla with some avocado and goat cheese, and ate that with a green monster.

I had to have something I could eat right away because I had a date with the grocery store.

While there I picked up this:

Its wonderful! Im super excited to add it to my oatmeal tomorrow morning.

For dinner I made kung pao chicken.

I wont lie – the only reason I made kung pao chicken was because it went with the wine I wanted.

The wine was fantastic btw!

Speaking of wine, Im at my parents house right now, and my mom has fed me a little too much wine, so I should go while Im (hopefully) still making some sense.

But as promised – heres a picture of my crazy wet dog after our run on Thursday night.Ignore the scary eyes, without the flash she looks blurry.

She sat still for the 2 seconds required to take that picture, and then she want absolutely nuts.

Have a great Saturday night everyone!!


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