Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Properties of Theobroma Cacao

There’s much that can be said about chocolate. As a candy it remains extremely popular. In baking its heartiness is unequaled. It has many beneficial not only physiological, but psychological as well.


Chocolate comes from the seeds of the fruit / seed pods that grow on the tree Theobroma Cacao. This tree is very sensitive to climate and can only be grown in a narrow belt that is close to the equator. Cacao was originally found only in the Americas, but is now grown in various countries near the equator where the climate can support it.

Cocoa fat: Cacao seeds are a good source of fat. This fat gives chocolate its distinctive texture and smoothness. One of the most important properties of chocolate, the melting point, is due to the unique chemical makeup of cocoa fat. Chocolate is so pleasurable to eat because when placed in the mouth as a solid it quickly melts into a smooth, savory, sweet, thick liquid. This happens because the melting point of cocoa fat is around 95 degrees, slightly lower than human body temperature.

Physiological benefits of consumption:

Cocoa (uncooked cocoa solids, not candy chocolate that contains sugar and has been cooked) contains all sorts of antioxidants and flavonoids which are good for your body and brain. Some of the flavonoids found in chocolate have been shown to increase vasodilation, promoting increased blood flow and lowering blood pressure by increasing levels of circulating nitric oxide. It is for this reason that chocolate has been praised as being an aphrodisiac. Increased circulation means the blood can flow faster, allowing you to get into the game much quicker than normal ;)

Heavy consumers of raw cocoa have been shown to have lower rates of heart disease and cancer. The antioxidants found in cocoa may have some beneficial, direct effects on the brain, improving learning and memory.

Some fun krazy kemicals found in chocolate


Theophylline is a xanthine, like caffeine, which has strong stimulant effects. Theophylline increases heart rate and blood pressure.


Theobromine is also a xanthine that has effects on the CNS. It is mainly a stimulant that causes increased heart rate with vasodilation. Theobromine also has a strangely powerful antitussive effect, so next time you’re sick with a cough whip out the cocoa powder and brew some strong hot chocolate. Theobromine cannot be processed by many animals, which is why it is bad for your pet dog or horse to eat chocolate. Also note that like caffeine, theobromine is addictive and can produce withdrawal symptoms, so don’t eat too much chocolate too often!

Note the similarities between caffeine and theobromine, and to a lesser extent theophylline


PEA is a very interesting molecule. It is a psychoactive stimulant as well as a naturally occurring neurotransmitter. The phenethylamine skeleton can be substituted in a variety of ways to make some very interesting psychoactive drugs, some of which occur naturally. Please see below for more on this.

PEA works by releasing norepinephrine and dopamine, causing a energized-feel-good sensation.

Here are a bunch of natural and synthetic neurotransmitters and drugs based off the phenethylamine skeleton (click to view full list)

More on chocolate here

[Via http://ideaftheday.wordpress.com]

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