Monday, September 14, 2009

A Weekend of Rediscovery

This weekend was all about the rediscovery of my childhood. The word that best describes this weekend is ‘Fantastic,’ and it ended up being so relaxing that they were the most enjoyable days ever.With my excitement from the past 2 weeks under me, I couldn’t wait for what lay ahead.

It was two weeks ago that I found out about the  movies playing at the local independent theatre about a block away from my house. Every weekend they have a midnight double feature, and this Friday was The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth. Two mystical classics that are so amazing. I had actually never seen The Dark Crystal, and was amazed by its awesomeness once it was over.

I ended up getting home at 4am that night, but knew that I had another day ahead of me the next, so went to bed as soon as I got home. Waking up at 930am, I headed towards the theatre again for old Saturday morning cartoons including Scooby Doo and The Bugs Bunny Show. This was followed by the most epic movie of my childhood, The Never Ending Story. Watching this movie brought back so many childhood memories. I remember watching that movie over and over, and eventually had reoccurring nightmares of a wolf chasing me through the wilderness. I had never connected the two until yesterday, and was completely horrified by the wolf in the movie. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying it. I left there feeling like I was a part of the never ending story and that if I had stopped having hopes and dreams like Bastian then I would ruin Fantasia forever.

The weather was incredible when we got out of the theatre. Bright and hot, it felt like the rain and grey had never ever been in Vancouver! A friend and I headed to Trout Lake close to my house and we ate Pez candy while daydreaming about life. We were learning to love everything around us as if every piece of the world was new to us. Like small children, we experienced the colours and plants and clouds around us, and were amazed by it all.

The fact that children think to themselves with so much more wonder fascinates me. It’s like you’re in your head way more when you’re younger. You look at something, and accept its existence, but wonder where it comes from, what it feels like or tastes like. What made it, and how did it get here? Then you try to put your thoughts into words and it is all jibberish and doesn’t make any sense. But it all makes sense in your head, and that’s when it gets to confusing for you to understand. Psychedelics may have had a big influence of rediscovering this, but it was definitely refreshing.

What have you rediscovered lately?

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