Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 71: ShiFTing makes a difference

GRACE did….

I stopped at a gas station this afternoon for the obvious reason – I needed gasoline in my car.  When I opened my car door and stepped out, there was a person in a stocking cap waiting for me around the corner of the gas pump.  Now the description of “a person in a stocking cap waiting for me around the corner of the gas pump” might conjure up a vision of me being robbed, but quite the contrary happened.

Her name was Andrea.  She explained that she was there to pump my gas for me!  She then shared how she and some others were pumping gas as a fundraiser.  That is when I took a closer look at the stocking cap and it had a logo with fire on it and the words “You Can Run But You Cannot Hide”. 

You Can Run Sticker

Andrea told me the organization is based in Annandale, Minnesota and focuses on helping teens.  They go to high schools and talk to students about the pressures of being a teenager…drugs, pregnancy, and suicide for example.

I asked Andrea some questions while she was pumping my gas.  I found out that they were only 9 people donating $20 each, away from their goal.  I also found out they had been pumping gas in the damp and cold for 6 1/2 hours already!  Wow!  I thought I can help, but asked myself if I really should give $20.  I decided I should!  I gave Andrea a ShiFT the World card and asked for information on their organization so I can include it on our blog.  Check it out!!  They also reach out to people through street ministry.  I think you will be impressed and possibly moved yourself to make a donation to a great cause.

JESS did…

My business partner Marla and I own a partnership called MoXie Ladies. It is a historic home renewal company. Our goal is to purchase (over the long-term ) 26 houses and love them back to life. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, so we plan to name one home for each letter. “A” was for Annabelle. We purchased Annabelle, a 1914 Craftsman, in October 2008, and completed her renewal with style by February 2009. We currently have a family that lives in Annabelle through a lease-to-own program.

We recently had a wall built along the basement stairs, and today Marla & I headed over to Annabelle to prime the wall in preparation for painting. I decided that our renter/home owner should be the recipient of my ShiFT today. I stopped at the grocery store on the way to Annabelle and purchased a bouquet of daffodils, and a roll of cookie dough. After finishing the priming job I left the daffodils in a vase on the counter, and put the cookie dough in the fridge. I knew that the homeowner would love the flowers, and I imagined her three beautiful, active boys’ eyes twinkle when they discovered the cookie dough. As I left Annabelle I smiled to myself.

Five hours later I received a phone call. Our homeowner was ecstatic and so very appreciative. Not only did she say “you made my day”, she also mentioned that about an hour after she arrived home when she discovered the cookie dough she just couldn’t believe it. :0) I could tell in her voice that the surprise was perfect.

The two of us had a great conversation about how much she loves living in Annabelle and the historic neighborhood in which it sits. Our conversation made this ShiFT feel more than tremendous.


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