Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hypnosis & Money

You are getting sleepy….

Veeeery sleeeeepy…….

Truth be told, there comes a time in everyone’s life that they must either, beg, borrow or steal in order to survive.

Call it the hypnosis of life if you will, but we all have that innate survival instinct deep within in our beings that lays dormant and  is just waiting to be unleashed, or unsheathed as it were.

We awaken each day with the instinct to hunt, and for what purpose?


What is our prey?


For it is with this object of our desire that we may acquire all others.

With money we can buy sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Put another way, with money we can make people seem to like us.

With it we can pay for our health, and thereby purchase one more day on earth.

With money we can buy all sorts of distractions from our inevitable fate of eventual bodily death, and at least for the time being feel invisible.

Money and hypnosis.

Hypnosis and money.

The drive to survive.

The lust for our daily fix of cash.

Blinded by this desire, we will literally and /or figuratively screw each other into oblivion.

We will destroy friendships, and buy new ones.

We will pay for an opinion that is favorable.

We will pay to make problems disappear.

We will wallow in a pile of coins much like a certain Mr. McDuck swimming through these often ill gotten gains…

And for what?

Hell if I know?

I’m broke as a hooker in a wheelchair. Although there is likely a market for her services somewhere.

Alas, where is the market for an admittedly eccentric Celtic Jew. One of many descendants of a long since decapitated queen.

Let me state for the record that the Jew is only one quarter, and that this is surely why I’m so damned broke.

I make about 25 cents for every dollar I should. The Celt is the crazy ass motherfucker, and the Jew is the neurotic self loathing whining bitch.

Clearly on a tangent now, I must mention that as a teen I seriously flirted with anti Semitism, and even hung a rebel flag in my bedroom window that faced the street in front of our house in a town back east with at least 10 synagogues.

My  half sister, a whole Jew herself, came over with her Jewish fiance and nearly had a heart attack upon seeing this image.

Many years later, I find out that I am actually descended from a Hasidic rabbi from a couple hundred years back on my dad’s side. Still later and actually quite recently after my dad died last year, I find out that we lost quite a few family members to the holocaust. Auschwitz  to be specific.

So, how’s that for hypnotically grasping at straws to find ones identity?

But I digress…..

The whole point of this posting was and is essentially to say that MONEY and HYPNOSIS go hand in hand like flies and shit.

You can’t have one with out the other.

Actually you can, and truth be told, I’m actually doing my best to hypnotize someone of you out there to cough up a few extra bucks by telling some hopefully interesting stories, and casting the proverbial fishing line into the waters of the web, and hoping to get a bite.

Call it a theory, or rather asocial experiment, but to borrow a phrase or dare I suggest coin one from another depression, and with extra effort applied to tap into what I now lovingly refer to as the Jew Gene.

“Say brother, can you spare a dime?”

Or put another way:


$10,000 would be lovely right now!

God, I’m such a hypocrite!


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